the other side of paradise . [ mission ]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Sept 30, 2019 14:24:31 GMT
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cait had decided on partaking in a picnic within the confines of her gym. the arrangement had been made on a day where the establishment was typically closed off to the public, a section of clearing plucked free of fallen leaves and any amount of mess so that the setting was kept picturesque in quality. their food had been tucked away within a handwoven basket and a dark green carefully blanket lain upon freshly trimmed grass. 

'everything should go well,' she thought, hopeful. 

after taking a breath and checking the hour for what felt like the umpteenth time, she settled comfortably upon the soft material of the blanket. her hypno had been instructed to lead avery here, the pokemon having been situated at the gym's entrance and made to keep an eye out for the pink-haired girl. 

"perhaps i should've had gardevoir up there instead," she said, worried. "
hypno can be... intimidating."

she wanted avery's time spent here to be pleasant, cait having worked to wriggle her way into the woman's mind and heart for a period of time. initially, she had been friendly and casual; but had cleverly sought to wrangle to woman's heart through various interactions thus far.

'i'm not going to mess this up this time,' she thought, reminded her disastrous encounter with her superior some months ago. 

cait grimaced at the mere thought.  

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POSTED ON Sept 30, 2019 14:53:05 GMT
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She was nervous, was she supposed to be nervous? It wasn't like this was a date or anything, just two new friends getting together for a nice picnic.. alone.

Alone as in, no other friends, this wasn't a group outting, it was just Cait and Avery having a nice, relaxing lunch in Cait's gym.

But then why was she so absolutely not relaxed?

The woman clutches her purse nervously as her friend's Hypno greets her at the door. She's mildly unsettled, but not because of the Pokemon, mostly because of her sudden indigestion. Instead, she'd smile at the creature politely and follow him readily.

Upon seeing Cait, she would awkwardly raise a palm in a meek wave, praying that her skittish nerves would remain dormant for the remainder of their afternoon.

"Cait! It's so good to see you, how have you been?"

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POSTED ON Sept 30, 2019 15:03:40 GMT
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cait stands and makes her way to the anxiety-ridden woman, her grin full and bright as she moves to pull her petite guest into a short-lived embrace.

i'm so glad you could came."

she pulls away, gaze shifting to take in avery's attire. 

i'm loving the outfit.

the gym leader casually gestures toward the blanket and the basket that served as its centerpiece, discreetly dismissing her hypno with a glance as she did so. 

i hope you're hungry. i had a light breakfast, so i'm definitely ready to dig in for lunch."

cait offered her hand, encouraging her friend to accept it before leading her toward the picnic.  

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POSTED ON Sept 30, 2019 15:16:27 GMT
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Avery grins at the confidence presented in the other woman, and in some way, she was able to reflect it back at Cait. Her warmth seeps into her, even for that brief moment, and she's left rejuvinated when Cait breaks away, words spilling from her lips and excitement dancing in her eyes.

At the mention of her outfit, she tugs at the fabric of her skirt, a sheepish smile and blush spreading across her cheeks.

"Oh! Thank you, I wasn't really sure if I liked it when I got it, but Kim had insisted."

Oops. Was it appropriate to mention other friends? Of course it was, this was just a friend's date. No, it wasn't a date. Right?

Avery laughs nervously, her previous thoughts being forced to disappear as she attempted to focus on Cait's beautiful presentation of lunch. The blanket appeared wonderfully soft, and she could smell food buried in the baskets.

In her off hand, she raised her own offer of food.

"I'm always hungry, honestly! Munchlax has really rubbed off on me, it seems."

Cait's hand is extended towards her, and Avery feels a wash of anticipation and some sort of urgency to take her hand. She allows the girl to lead her forward towards their destination, and she can't help but smile at her.

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POSTED ON Oct 2, 2019 2:10:58 GMT
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the arrangement was kept simple; the meal of choice varied and a combination of edibles best served cold or at room temperature.

"how is munchlax, by the way?"

cait presented this question once they were both comfortably situated upon the thick blanket, having already reached into her basket. 

gardevoir mentioned running into that budew of yours a few weeks ago," she continued, distracted as she fished around. "'a lovely child, that one,' he said."

she pulled out tupperware filled to the brim with a colorful salad and another that had been crammed with neatly sliced fruit. 

they'll all grow up before we know it.

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POSTED ON Oct 2, 2019 2:28:28 GMT
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Avery settles in gently, smoothing the fabric of the blanket beneath her hand and tucking her ankles in close to her side. The smell of freshly sliced fruit tickles her fancy, and she grows visibly excited at the thought of digging into it.

She pauses for a moment only when Cait poses a question. The woman laughs gently, but there's a note of wistfulness or maybe sadness that betrays her true feelings.

"He's wonderful! Growing day by day, I swear he might never stop."

Her brow furrows as she handles a slice of apple between her thumb and forefinger.

"Oh? Yes, I felt horrible about leaving her behind that afternoon, but I had so many other things on my plate that I couldn't look after her as well as train the rest of the new employees. It broke my heart to see her so sad, it was very kind of Gardevoir to step in and take after her."

She smiles at her Pokemon's comment.

"Yes, I suppose they will. But... is it wrong of me to wish they wouldn't? It's not that I don't want them to grow up, but.. I don't know. Sometimes I wish they could stay young forever, of their own accord, not because of some everstone or harmful way."

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POSTED ON Oct 5, 2019 5:22:32 GMT
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"i distinctly recall my daddy saying something to that effect about me," she said, jokingly. 

cait produced two juice pouches - commercially branded and artificially flavored; but still quite good.

you just have to enjoy what time you have before puberty hits them like a truck, avery."

she was reminded of how many times she had to suffer through the adolescent phase for her pokemon, the gym leader initially exposed to such a trying process as her butterfree and beautifly had settled into their middling forms.

'those were the days,' she thought, resisting the urge to roll her eyes at the memory. 

here," she said, surrendering the juice pack with a light toss. "i was going to make something from scratch, but these reminded me of when i was a kid - so i couldn't resist.

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POSTED ON Oct 5, 2019 5:52:53 GMT
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[attr="class","lnr lnr-bubble"]
[attr="class","lnr lnr-magic-wand"]





A PUMPKABOO FLOATS BY with a treat clasped underneath its tiny fangs. both of you receive the following:[break][break]
(note: you do not need to engage with the pumpkaboo icly).[break]


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POSTED ON Oct 6, 2019 1:58:20 GMT
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Once again Avery would blush, mildly embarrassed that she had admitted to something so childish and unrealistic, but also in response to Cait's chuckle of understanding and relation.

Her eyes would widen in awe at the nostalgic juice boxes. The logo brought back fond memories of her own childhood, she distinctly remembered having competitions with classmates on how fast they could inhale the contents in one breath.

"Yes, I suppose you're right. It's selfish of me to wish them to stay so young."

With a light gasp, she catches the tossed juice box, fumbling in her hands for only a moment before turning it around to face her. She's smiling at it, fond amusement a warm glow on her cheeks.

"I remember these being so fruity as a kid, I wonder if they still taste the same."

She laughs at her own nostalgia, popping the straw into the small hole in the top, painfully careful not to squeeze and spill it.

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POSTED ON Oct 6, 2019 4:19:44 GMT
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"it is pretty nostalgic, isn't it?"

cait tittered softly before quieting down, her green-eyed gaze sliding toward the young woman as she partook in the juice box. it was difficult not to stare - the gym leader momentarily preoccupied by avery's lovely features. 

'slow and steady,' she thought, forcing herself to focus upon setting up their lunch. 

she surrendered salad and fruit that were packaged separately in two pieces of tupperware, her fingers brushing lightly against the avery's as she did so.

enjoy," she said, flashing a grin. "and take your time - we have all day, after all. i want to hear more about your pokemon. i recall that riolu of yours. how is he?"  

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POSTED ON Oct 9, 2019 0:09:30 GMT
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Avery giggled again, eyes squinting closed as she tilted her head happily. It really was nostalgic, she felt like she was being swept back into preschool again.

There was a pleasantly warm feeling that spread all the way to her toes whenever she caught Cait's gaze. She couldn't help but feel colour flush to her cheeks and she would smile again and again, especially when the girls fingers brushed over her own as she passed her the tupperware container.

"It looks delicious! Is this all hand-made? I've always wanted to learn how to bake, I visit local bakeries a lot. Sometimes just to smell the freshly baked bread and pastries, honestly!"

Avery would grow thoughtful at Cait's next inquiry, and she would recline on one hand.

"Oh, he's amazing! He's growing so quickly, and he's so brave and caring and kind. He's really been a wonderful help in raising the younglings, he's so mature already. I'm sure he's close to evolving now, even if it makes me sad. He's so protective of me and the babies."

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POSTED ON Oct 18, 2019 10:18:02 GMT
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"i'm addicted to cooking," cait admitted. "
daddy taught me while i was growing up."

it boggled her mind that quite a few individuals who were her age hadn't acquired what she considered to be an essential skill. but she highly doubted avery was of this number, the girl likely knowing her way around a kitchen. 

i could teach you, maybe? i bake treats for my pokemon all the time - especially the little ones.

cait produced a cucumber sandwich for herself, daintily taking a bite once a portion of it was removed from its container. after chasing it down with a sip of her drink, she continued to speak.

nothing's wrong with having a strong fighter on your side. especially if they're a lucario," she said. "he'll keep you and the others safe when you need it the most. has he been showing any signs that he's close to evolving?

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POSTED ON Nov 6, 2019 14:15:45 GMT
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Avery smiles at this, delighted to hear that she's found another friend who also enjoys cooking. Well, Avery prefers the art of baking more than cooking, but she's not terrible at making home meals.

At the suggestion of being taught, Avery blushes and grows a little more bashful.

"Oh my! I'd love that, honestly. I can always learn a few new tips and tricks!"

She grows more somber at the mention again of Riolu evolving. It makes her happy at the same time as it makes her sad. Her babies were her life, and to watch them grow so quickly was bittersweet.

"I know, I know. I just can't help but wish time slowed down a little bit more."

Avery smiles as she takes another bite of her sandwich, thinking quietly to herself while Cait begs another question.

"He already does keep us safe, even as a wee babe. He'll be a formidable protector one day. And yes, I think he has! He's seemed restless and his appetite had grown tremendously recently. I'm sure he will evolve soon."

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POSTED ON Nov 25, 2019 12:23:59 GMT
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those were all the usual signs of evolution, with cait having personally observed the radical changes that occurred prior to such an awe-inspiring moment. she had first experienced it when her butterfree and beautifly had evolved, their cocoons trembling something fierce prior to their transformation.

'i was terrified i did something wrong,' she thought. 

she smirked at the memory, her ignorance having caused her to wildly speculate and ultimately presume that her pokemon were ill. 

"and he doesn't mind the idea of evolving?"

it was an odd question, she supposed. but her lombre was perfectly content in her present form and had even stifled her own growth by making use of an everstone. 

have you mentioned it at all? any idea if he understands what's going on?"

cait communicated both verbally and by making use of her psychic-type pokemon with her own younger companions, hypno often serving as her translator in the gym - and gardevoir serving the same role whenever she was in the field if she felt they were needed. 

going in completely blind can be a bit... shocking, you know? most of my pokemon take to it like a goldeen to water - but i have had a few who had a difficult time with adjusting."  

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POSTED ON Nov 25, 2019 15:29:43 GMT
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Avery shifts uncomfortably at Cait's next question. It's reasonable, she supposes, to be concerned.

"No.. I don't think he does mind. I think he's impatient. I think he really wants to be bigger than he is - he's so restless and frustrated with his abilities so far."

She thinks about this carefully, chewing the corner of her sandwich. Evolution had always been more of a sensitive topic for her for whatever reason. Perhaps because she had never really had her customers Pokemon long enough for them to evolve. It was always a shock when the younglings changed so drastically right under her nose.

"He's desperate to get stronger to protect us. It worries me sometimes because I'm not sure what he's so desperate to protect us from. We're safe in Lilycove, the daycare is safe."

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